- Give some notes on Indexes.
- Expalin the steps involved during the first execution and subsequent executions of a stored procedure.
- State whether the following statements are true or false
1) Wildcards can be contained in values passed to stored procedure-T(like)
2) Rules, defaults and column properties do not apply to parameters defined with user defiend datatypes -T
3) Parameter name should be 20 characters in length-F(29)
4) In order to make changes in the stored procedure, we can alter the stored procedure-F(drop)
5) The stored procedure return 0 on success and 1 for errors-F (0 , -1 to -99)
4. Explain the set commands given below
1) set rowcount (Instruct the server to rturn only the first n rows of data)
2) set statistics io on (Asks the server for the no. of logical and physical page requests)
3) set nocount on ( stops reporting the number of rows returned)
4) set noexec on ( parse and optimize, but don’t exec the query (used with show plan for looking at the plan without running a query)) showplan gives the final optimization plan for a query)
5) set statistics time on (requests the execution time)
5. What is isolation level, list different isolation levels in Sybase and what is default?
To avoid the manual overriding of locking, we have transaction isolation level which are tied with transaction.
List of different isolation levels are isolation level 0,1,2,3.
Isolation level 1- this allow read operation can only read pages. No dirty reads are allowed.
Isolation level 0-This allows reading pages that currently are being modified. It allows dirty read
Isolation level 2-Allows a single page to be read many times within same transaction and guarantees that same value is read each time. This prevent other users to read
Isolation level 3- preventing another transaction from updating, deleting or inserting rows for pages previously read within transaction
Isolation level 1 is the default.
Movie Database
This database features two entities (movies and actors) in a many-to-many relation. Each entity has its own table. A third table, casting , is used to link them. The relationship is many-to-many because each film features many actors and each actor has appeared in many films.
Field name | Type | Notes |
id | INTEGER | An arbitrary unique identifier |
title | CHAR(70) | The name of the film - usually in the language of the first release. |
yr | DECIMAL(4) | Year of first release. |
score | FLOAT | Average of all the votes cast for the film. (Internet users can vote for films on a scale of 1-10) |
votes | INTEGER | The number of votes cast for this film. |
Field name | Type | Notes |
id | INTEGER | An arbitrary unique identifier |
name | CHAR(36) | The name of the actor (the term actor is used to refer to both male and female thesps.) |
Field name | Type | Notes |
movieid | INTEGER | A reference to the movie table. |
actorid | INTEGER | A reference to the actor table. |
ord | INTEGER | The ordinal position of the actor in the cast list. The star of the movie will have ord value 1 the co-star will have value 2, ... |
6. Which were the busiest years for 'John Travolta'. Show the number of movies he made for each year.
SELECT yr, COUNT(movie.id)
FROM movie, casting, actor
WHERE name='John Travolta'
AND movieid=movie.id
AND actorid=actor.id
7. List the film title and the leading actor for all of 'Julie Andrews' films.
SELECT title, name
FROM movie, casting, actor
WHERE movieid=movie.id
AND actorid=actor.id
AND ord=1
AND movieid IN
(SELECT movieid FROM casting, actor
WHERE actorid=actor.id
AND name='Julie Andrews')
8. Obtain a list of actors in who have had at least 10 starring roles.
FROM casting ,actor where
actorid = actor.id
WHERE ord=1
HAVING COUNT(movieid)>=10
9. List the 1978 films by order of cast list size.
SELECT title, COUNT(actorid)
FROM casting, movie
WHERE yr=1978
AND movieid=movie.id
GROUP BY title
10. List all the people who have worked with 'Art Garfunkel'.
select name from actor,casting where name !="Art Garfunkel" and actorid=actor.id and movieid in (select movieid from actor,casting where name = "Art Garfunkel" and id=actorid)
1 comment:
4e.List all the people who have worked with 'Art Garfunkel'.
select name from casting join actor on actorid=actor.id where movieid in (select movieid from casting where actorid=
(select distinct actorid from casting join actor on actorid=actor.id where name='Art Garfunkel' ))and name !='art Garfunkel'
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