It is database server developed by Sybase Corp. Which was Architect by Dr.Robert Epstein and Tom Haggin.

Sybase support RDBMS (it is database management system that is based on the relational model gives data model based on predicate logic and set theory) and T-SQL


To communicate with the sql server and to manipulate objects stored in sql server, client programs and SP use a variety of Structured Query language is called T-SQL

-- T-sql extends sql by adding program flow-control constructs, local variables and other capability to allow the DBA to build code-based objects in SP and Trigger.


Basically created for Unix platform. Microsoft and Sybase made an agreement and released sql server 1.0 but their agreement soon came to an end on 1993 .1995 Sybase released Sybase sql server 11.0 (has a single process,multi-thread database engine and includes a query optimizer). Latest releases server 15.0


Master Database

Controls the user databases and the operation of SQL Server as a whole. Known as master, it keeps track of such things as user accounts, ongoing processes, and system error messages.

If the master database fails or repaired than server will became unavailable until you repair

Model database

A template for new user databases. The build master program and the install model script create model when SQL Server is installed. Each time the create database command is issued; SQL Server makes a copy of model and extends it to the size requested, if necessary.

It is house for those items you want available across all databases (rules, defaults, user defined data types)

SYBSYSTEMPROCS In server 4.21 version we had 3 sys databases

It is a modular program keep it all SP in it database, If Sybsystemprocs exists it will check to see whether you execute system SP.

Stored procedure:

A collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name. SQL Server-supplied stored procedures are called system procedures.

System procedures:

Stored procedures that SQL Server supplies for use in system administration. These procedures are provided as shortcuts for retrieving information from the system tables, or mechanisms for accomplishing database administration and other tasks that involve updating system tables.

Sp_help, Sp_helptext, Sp_dboption, Sp_lock etc.

Temporary database

The temporary database in SQL Server, tempdb, that provides a storage area for temporary tables and other temporary working storage needs (for example, intermediate results of group by and order by).

P-T-T: This table exists in the tempdb until server gets restart or shutdown

T-T-T: This table exists in the tempdb only for the session or Sp in which they created, all sever go for T-T-T creation

System table

One of the data dictionary tables. The system tables keep track of information about the SQL Server as a whole and about each user database. The Master Database contains some system tables that are not in user databases.

Database –level sy tb System level sy tb

Syscomments syslogins

Sysindexes sysdatabases

Sysobjects sysservers

etc… etc….


ISQL: It is std interface provided by Sybase, which used for batch program execution (like a editor)

BCP: It is used to import or export data from database to os files and os files to database

DEFNCOPY: It is used to import or export creation text of the objects (SP, Trigger, rules, view, defaults) from database to os files and os files to databases.


Follow the documents in the EIS application.

Four type Doc 1. What to study in Sybase

Performance tunings


Exercises on query

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